Well we made it to week 23, and completed week 2 of modified bed rest. I had the Betamethasone (steriod) shots this week, and had an ultrasound and saw the Dr. today. There were really no significant changes in either baby. Baby B's fluid level was at 10cm, but they could not find a traceable amount of fluid for baby A. They said this could be because of how he was positioned, so they don't feel that it really has gone down since last week. They are disappointed that the fluid levels have not leveled out after the surgery, but are still hopeful that our babies are strong. They are still concerned with the enlargement of the heart of Baby B (the recipient), but feel that it is because of the stress of the TTTS before the surgery. The Dr. wants me to have bi-weekly Bio-physical profiles (BPP) so they can closely monitor the babies and look for any changes. I will now have the BPP (or ultrasound with dopplers) on Mondays in Mankato, and then head to Mpls on Thursdays for the next few weeks. The Dr. said that he felt the best place for the babies is still in the womb, and even if we were at 28 weeks (with a better chance of survival) that he would still recommend they stay in the oven. This was some reassuring news I guess. We also toured the NICU at Children's Hospital today so we could have a glimpse of what our future may look like after our babies are born. Pretty scary to see such sick, small babies, but we both feel that they will be well taken care of there and that will be the best place for them once they are born.
Next Thursday they plan to check the growth of each baby, so we are hopeful that they are both growing. My belly is for sure getting bigger, so I hope that they are as well. :) My belly measured in at 45 in. this week! Wowzers! Bring it on babies!
That is really all the news I have for this week. Each week seems to be a small milestone, and we are thankful we have made it this far. Keep thinking of us, and check back next week!
Love to all,
Sam and Chris and family
13 Months Old!
16 years ago
1 comment:
Thanks for the update. I wish it was better news. Hang in there. Love you all!
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